Business English for Professionals and Students

Business English for Professionals and Students

Course Description: This course is tailored to enhance communication skills in English within a business context. Combining theory and practical exercises, participants will learn technical terminology and linguistic structures relevant to the business world.

Course Program:

Free Text Composition Class:

  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Content: Basics of business writing in English, structuring emails, and formal documents.
  • Objective: To provide an introduction to the appropriate style and tone in business communication.
  • Sign up for the next class

Monthly Plan:

  • 4 classes per month (1 per week)
  • Duration of each class: 1.5 hours
  • Contents: Business-specific vocabulary, English presentations, negotiation, and persuasive language.
  • Price: R$ 250.00 or €30
  • Requesting a 50% scholarship

Quarterly Plan:

  • 12 classes (1 per week)
  • Includes: All features of the monthly plan plus a workshop on drafting business proposals.
  • Price: R$ 700.00 or €81
  • Requesting a 60% scholarship

Semiannual Plan:

  • 24 classes (1 per week)
  • Includes: All features of the quarterly plan plus role-play sessions for practicing real business scenarios.
  • Price: R$ 1300.00 or €150
  • Requesting a 70% scholarship

Sales Funnel:

  • Lead Generation: Advertising on social media and professional platforms.
  • Conversion: Offering the free text composition class as a sample of the course.
  • Closing: Highlighting the long-term benefits of fluency in business Spanish and discounts for longer-term commitments.
  • Retention: Creating an alumni community for business networking and ongoing course updates.

Materials and Resources:

  • Access to an online learning platform.
  • Downloadable materials and practical exercises with a live instructor.
  • Discussion forum to interact with other students and instructors.


  • A certificate of completion endorsed by MUSHSPRESSO COMUNICAÇÃO LTDA.


Monthly Plan:

  • R$ 250.00 or €30
  • Includes 4 classes per month.

Quarterly Plan:

  • Suggested price: R$ 700.00 or €81
  • Includes 12 classes and an additional workshop.
  • Represents an approximate saving of 7% compared to the monthly plan.

Semiannual Plan:

  • Suggested price: R$ 1300.00 or €150
  • Includes 24 classes and role-play sessions.
  • Represents an approximate saving of 13% compared to the monthly plan.

Plan Mensual:

  • 4 clases al mes (1 por semana)
  • Duración de cada clase: 1.5 horas
  • Contenidos: Vocabulario específico de negocios, presentaciones en español, negociación y lenguaje persuasivo.
  • Precio: R$ 250,00 o € 30 euros

    Necesito una beca de 50%

Plan Trimestral:

  • 12 clases (1 por semana)
  • Incluye: Todas las características del plan mensual más un taller de redacción de propuestas comerciales.
  • Precio: R$ 700,00 o € 81 euros

    Necesito una beca de 60%

Plan Semestral:

  • 24 clases (1 por semana)
  • Incluye: Todas las características del plan trimestral más sesiones de role-play para prácticas de escenarios empresariales reales.
  • Precio: R$ 1300,00 o € 150 euros

    Necesito una beca de 70%

Responsável Adriel Oliveira
Última atualização 29/04/2024
Membros 1
Sem aulas disponíveis ainda.